+2773 642 4406 info@kerrydebruyn.com

A few weeks ago I was shooting Tau lodge in Madikwe. After the morning drive I went back to my room to shower and when I got out, I went to look on my balcony to see if there was anything interesting walking about at the watering hole (all of the rooms are positioned in front of it). To my surprise I saw two lionesses walking along the ridge, I ran to get my camera, quickly changed the lens and stood waiting. They plonked themselves underneath a tree in the shade and I assumed they would go to sleep, which they did.

About half an hour later (now I was thankfully dressed) I saw 3 warthogs come walking along the same ridge and path that the lionesses had chosen. I quickly got my camera and waited. Something had to happen here…

Sure enough the lionesses spotted them (even though one of the warthogs stood right in front of them and didn’t see or smell them) and the hunt was on…

lion hunt

Oblivious. If you look carefully you can see the lionesses lying under the shade.



chasing warthog

lions hunt warthog

madikwe hunt

lionesses hunt

A slip that might end it all…

lions hunt warthog

lions hunt warthog

Luckily for the little warthog, he got away. Shame the poor thing squealed for about 10 minutes after the incident running deep into the bush.

Although he got away, this was one of the most exciting sightings I have ever seen and it all happened in broad daylight right outside my room. So it really is true, always keep your camera handy as the right time, right place, might strike when you least expect it (even if you are only dressed in a towel 😉