+2773 642 4406 info@kerrydebruyn.com

leopard.jpgI was going through some old images and happened to come across this one of a Leopard cub I photographed in the Timbavati. He was sitting under a tree quite a way from mom after they had both just finished off a feast of impala in a tree nearby. Mom wasn’t feeling too great about having us around (her ears were down and she kept hissing [this is a sign that tells you this]), so we didn’t stay around for too long. But it was a fantastic sighting, we were the only car around and had them all to ourselves. We were lucky we even spotted the cub as he was deep inside a shady bush. I tried to bring him out as best as I could in this black and white conversion and in the end I kind of like it…it shows just how camoflague and elusive these cats are.

The Timbavati is known for their big cats so if ever you’d like a chance to photograph them don’t forget about my photographic safaris to Thanda Thula. Stunning place, stunning cats!